Elbows are used in piping systems because they ovalize more readily than straight pipes and, thus, provide flexibility in response to thermal expansion and other loadings that impose significant displacements on the system. The elbow is, thus, behaving as a shell rather than as a beam. This example demonstrates the ability of elbow elements to model the nonlinear response of initially circular pipes and pipebends accurately when the distortion of the cross-section by ovalization is significant.
MEMS National Labs Compiled by AEG http://www.mems.sandia.gov/ http://mems.nist.gov/ http://www.darpa.mil/mto/programs/mems/index.html http://nepp.nasa.gov/index_nasa.cfm/789/ MEMS University Labs This is a comprehensive link to the University Labs working on MEMS area. The name of the Director of the Lab is provided for convenience. http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~mems/ Carnegie Mellon University – Dr Gary Fedder http://www.ece.umn.edu/groups/mems/ University of Minnesota http://www.biomems.uc.edu/ University of Cincinnati – Dr. Chong Ahn http://www.ece.uc.edu/devices/ University of Cincinnati – Dr. Jason Heikenfeld http://www.biomicro.uc.edu/ University of Cincinnati – Dr. Ian Papautsky http://mems.colorado.edu/ University of Colorado at Boulder – Dr. Victor Bright http://www.ece.neu.edu/groups/mfl/ Northeastern University http://www.enme.umd.edu/mml/ University of Maryland – Dr. Don DeVoe http://www.depts.ttu.edu/ntc/Re...