A bolted pipe flange connections are composed of hubs of pipes, pipe flanges with bolt holes, sets of bolts and nuts, and a gasket. These components interact with each other in the tightening process and when operation loads such as internal pressure and temperature are applied.
To establish an optimal design, a full stress analysis determines factors such as the contact stresses that govern the sealing performance, the relationship between bolt force and internal pressure, the effective gasket seating width, and the bending moment produced in the bolts. This example shows how to perform such a design analysis by using an economical axisymmetric model and how to assess the accuracy of the axisymmetric solution by comparing the results to those obtained from a simulation using a three-dimensional segment model. In addition, several three-dimensional models that use multiple levels of substructures are analyzed to demonstrate the use of substructures with a large number of retained degrees of freedom.
MEMS National Labs Compiled by AEG http://www.mems.sandia.gov/ http://mems.nist.gov/ http://www.darpa.mil/mto/programs/mems/index.html http://nepp.nasa.gov/index_nasa.cfm/789/ MEMS University Labs This is a comprehensive link to the University Labs working on MEMS area. The name of the Director of the Lab is provided for convenience. http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~mems/ Carnegie Mellon University – Dr Gary Fedder http://www.ece.umn.edu/groups/mems/ University of Minnesota http://www.biomems.uc.edu/ University of Cincinnati – Dr. Chong Ahn http://www.ece.uc.edu/devices/ University of Cincinnati – Dr. Jason Heikenfeld http://www.biomicro.uc.edu/ University of Cincinnati – Dr. Ian Papautsky http://mems.colorado.edu/ University of Colorado at Boulder – Dr. Victor Bright http://www.ece.neu.edu/groups/mfl/ Northeastern University http://www.enme.umd.edu/mml/ University of Maryland – Dr. Don DeVoe http://www.depts.ttu.edu/ntc/Re...